There's No Buddy Like A Brother

There's No Buddy Like A Brother

24 July 2011

Poem - SAD


Darkness and Misery,

these are the things that haunt me,

and leave me shaking.

Violence and Murder

are the offspring of pain, in my ears

I hear the violins shaming.

Emotions of joy and love,

never are your wishes to bring.

Only revenge and hate,

are what you desire to cling

Vengeance is the name your scream,

yet it's the devils Band in which you sing.

Come one, come all for,

it's the last sight you'll see,

of this Human Being

~ Written by Will Speer ~
24th July 2011

21 July 2011


It is really sad how some of us can be happy for another human being getting killed. Mark Stroman was killed yesterday and there were people who were happy about it. You know there’s a couple things on that one, what does it really say about the so called normal person who was happy about that? Chew on that!
But, I’ll tell yo this, there was a guy here whom used to get me shook down all the time to get my cell tore up, and he would blow the power out when a couple of us would listen to shows together. I had so much anger, towards this guy, that I had said when he gets a date I’m going to throw a spread to celebrate….Well guess what he got a date and I didn’t throw a spread. So I said when they kill him I’ll do it– well it came down to the last day and they took him out to go kill him and even though I still didn’t like the dude I could not bring myself to celebrate.. now that's good but what’s even better is he got a last min stay and is still alive to this day, and you know what I still don’t like the guy but I don’t hate him and I don’t wish him death! Really I forgive him and move on.

Now for Mark Stroman I saw him on the 16th 4 days before his date and he was smiling so big he was happy, and not letting this drag him down, that smile and that memory will be how I remember Mark Stroman. But for some the horrible memory they will have is of him dying and being dead on the gurney. I hope nothing but the best for all the familys’ that have lost a loved one to the State Killing them.

Much Love
Will Speer

14 July 2011

Another Ghostly Vision

Around 7.45pm I had just finished reading book 3 in the (shadow of the apt) series and was laying there, when I went to cross my leg over my knee, I saw the small form of someone on their hands and knees with their head down raising their head to look up, then I blinked and it was gone! Now that's a little spooky but what ever it was I saw something !

13 July 2011

Ghostly Visit from a Death Row Friend?

It was around 6.50pm I was laying down trying to nap until mail call, well as I laid there, I didn't feel asleep but I had a real sluggish feeling and my vision was not working properly and I heard someone call my name Big Will, the voice seemed kind of far but yet I Knew the voice or I felt familiar with it but could not quite pin who's voice it was and then I was up on a balcony looking out into like a haze of Darkness there as a presence a form, yet without form, like a light a presence of energy. I felt familiar with it and then I knew somehow someone was coming then. I snapped out of the daze. I laid there thinking of what just happened trying to think of how to put into words what I saw and then the door popped and an officer came through checking on me and I thought, is that who I knew was coming? I don't know who that familiar light of energy was but I wonder Tiny....I just wonder.

12 July 2011

Just Another Day

Not a lot going on still on lock down. Jonny’s only leave you hungry but not starving now.

The new major here showing his face. The water was off almost all day today… got turned back on or should be back on around 4am of the 13th, as it’s 3:12 and they said its about to come on soon! So that’s that, now why, well 2 stories officers say it was a pipe here at the unit maintenance say it was the water comp putting in a new filter who knows! Come on water and come on jonny’s I’l tell y’all living in a room with a toilet is a blessing and a curse. Blessing cuz its always just right there, curse because it is just right there and you cant get away from it! Ppwwwwwwwwwwuuuuu! I turned in a grievance cause of the plate over the electrical plug…. not giving me a cell power! You should write the ombudsman about it, that, because my complaints don’t count

10 July 2011

Roller-Coaster of Life

Well I’m still here riding the roller-coaster of life. Man this thing is crazy! Up and down with some serious twist and turns, fast then slow well some times I don’t know if I’m going forward or backward sometimes I get so confused. But my confusion only comes due to lack of information! Sooooooo with that we put one foot forward and move on. Angel Will has got a few bumps and bruises but I’m ok.
We have a lot of changes that will becoming her soon, A new Major, Don’t know his name yet. I only know hes Black and from Dyball (?) 600 man unit , boy is he in for a rude awakening with this place. But I am interested in meeting him. As the minister who used to come see me worked there as the Chaplin but he does not come here any more, something to do with his $ got cut off from the church so thats that. (sad face) I miss Tom but anyway.
Also warden Lester has gone, so now we got a new warden coming and a new major, well see how that goes! I hope well but it’s always bad we’l lose something else that their way of showing authority, to take and take and take, look what can I do. Not happy there, anyway, but on a positive side, my I.D was lost and thats not the positive. What is the Sgt who looked into it knows it is not my fault and is going to see about helping me get a special stamp spend so that is a good thing! Yay! Something good for Angel Will (smile) I am also looking forward to level one. I will have been on level for over 8 months! I miss the radio and sports and seriously I miss my dictionary sooo bad! It was rather surprising to me to know all these words yet blunder over spelling them. I’m so much a better talker than I am a writer- Theres no, or (parenthesis) or anything in talking. Ok I stop myself sound stupid, but it is good I can poke fun at myself besides it’s better I poke fun at myself than you, cuz if you poke me I’l either laugh cuz im ticklish or try to bite you cuz you poked me the wrong way lol I’m like a dough boy poke giggle giggle and I used to go by (stay puff) like the marshmallow man from ghost buster lol . But I quit going by that cuz of well (personal sad reasons) If you ask me I’l tell you. It’s just not for here! Anyway not much else on my mind so I guess I’ll go and draw a little and then read Oh did I write we are on lock down yes, they locked the unit down on june 5dth word is 30 days OMG! I hope not I’l hate it living on jonneys will not make me a happy camper. Il keep you posted

by Angel Will