There's No Buddy Like A Brother

There's No Buddy Like A Brother

9 October 2013

Michael Yowell - Rest In Peace

Michael Yowell aka Box Car

25th January 1970 - 9th October 2013

Michael's last statement:
"I love you. To Gerald: you're a zero. I love you Mandy , Tiffany. I love you, too."


25 April 2013

Richard Cobb - Rest In Peace

Richard Cobb

2nd April 1984 - 25th April 2013

Richard's last statement:
"Life is death, death is life. I hope that someday this absurdity that humanity has come to will come to and an end. Life is too short. I hope that anyone that has negative energy towards me will resolve that. Life is too short to harbor feelings of hatred and anger. That's it."