There's No Buddy Like A Brother

There's No Buddy Like A Brother

31 May 2011

31st May 2011

Here I sit waking  up drinking my cold coffee from breakfast. Hey don’t knock it, it works just the same lol.
Well sick call just came through and I did get another sick call slip The Nurse said, she would try to get the Dr. to request to get me pulled out today, we’ll see, but as I have been writing, on the 14th I wrote how a nurse came to my door and I thought I was going to get some help, she never even logged it in the computer, so the meds will not come as she didn’t talk to a Doctor. So I’ve been waiting on something that’s never coming ….. deep sigh,
You know all the nurses tell me you are not getting medical help because you are being bad. So they deny me medical help because I protest! Because I was willing to do the extreme to be heard, I would fight back…..I did not just go and sit on my bunk and accept the way things were, I stepped out to make a difference .
Self sacrifice…  I’ve lost pen pals, I’ve lost my main support all gone because they could not understand. No would not understand. They would tell me let someone else do it, or I can not support you because you are rebelling against good people who only work there. You catch cases you fight back. I do not know who you are!
Huh?!!  What?!!  Are you serious wow! I was stunned but all I can say is it hurts and it hurts my commissary but I am the one who lives here You don’t.! If I have to be a puppet to get your help, I don’t need it! I’ll make it.
Please understand I am not an ungrateful man, I am thankful for so much but to be controlled for commissary and live in a place that I get no medical help when I need it, the place is nasty. I go to the shower and it smells like mildew!  There is rust all over the door and door frame. I so wish I could get a picture of how the inside of my shower looks and put a scratch and sniff sticker on it, so you can get the full effect. I’ve got a good humor but still nasty is nasty.
Right  now I’m just feeling a little don and it is really depressing Maybe I’ll get medical help we’ll see. I’ve been battling with high blood pressure for over a couple years now but It really got bad when I would get dizzy just from a light work out, or go to the shower and feel like I’m going to fall out. I did fall out one time in my cell and it was the day I almost fell out in the shower. I told the officer but he did not tell anybody cuz “I was busy and forgot he says, so by the time 4 hours had past I fell out they found me on the floor as they were passing out trays. Sad and scary too..
I need people  “out there” to help us “in here” because as long as it stays on the unit level nothing will change. But that goes back to spite. Again back on the 14th  I had jacked the run to get help and it worked. Well now the powers that be told the nurses DO NOT GIVE out ibuprofen anymore only a Dr. can give it out. How sad is that, “do not help the trouble maker”  Do not pull Speer out of his cell, he might do something! (Protest) but they will not use that word cuz that brings understanding as to why. So they ignore the elephant in the room and just say I’m trouble, a problem, all they can do to down play my actions of protest.  When all the while I am screaming for help!
Please help us! help me! Well I waited all day  its after 4.20pm, so no medical for me today. Put off Put off, Put off !!!

The protest continues

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