There's No Buddy Like A Brother

There's No Buddy Like A Brother

23 September 2014

Wills video on youtube there is another comming soon its in the building stages ATM....
Hello again to all........
I have just scanned and uploadd some new paintings from Will which he sent me a wile back so can all please have a look and leave feedback or you can send a e mail with your feedback to.............
I will forward them onto Will by Jpay in my writings many thanks again for looking and supporting Will Speer!
Hey to all who is reading this blo.... I have not been able to do any work on this blog for a long wile due to a few issiues with Wills health but we are doing fine now.....*** I am running it for him again*** we have a new e mail address if you want to no more about Will himself the e mail is below.......
I visited with Will on Texas death row this year in March and we had good visits and ill up load pictures soon so thanks again for looking and this blog is now linked to google..... look for updates many thanks.....:D

1 May 2014

OFF DEATH ROW...........

Awesome on the news from ohio on allowing inmates to donate organs to family ! Way to go ohio... I tried to get something started here in Texas back in 2003. By giving blood. I am clean of all disease!! No HIV/Hep.C.  or any other disease. O.K. i admit i have - - -   Genital Worts but Its Not My Fault Honest !  LOL ( Smile ) " Joking"  Seriously thou I did try but it never went anywhere. If i could donate blood i would. if i could donate organs ,Ide do that too ! At least be on the list if i was to be killed !
I am thinking of wanting my body being donated to science. My Mother wanted to do that with her body but, Do to her Murder and the time passing that was no longer an option...... So maybe i can help do something positive both for my Mothers memory and end with a positive towards science and maybe even help some one with my body !
Well i am good and looking forward to special visits from my lil' Brother and Anna ! I can't wait !! Well until next time. Take Good Care an be sure to leave a comment. So i know there's some feed back!
                                  Love N Hugs  Will  ( Smile )
                    OFF DEATH ROW !!!                                                          27/3/14

Just a few words of maxed out joy as iv'e had my first visit with Billy & Anna...Smile !!
We laughed and had such a wonderful time and it was truly one of the best visits ever !
I am so excited and looking forward to our next visit tomorrow. And today there was a little special time with Billy. Just one on one bro time. Tomorrow its all about some one on one time with Anna. Im looking forward to that x  Smile !!!
The visit was delayed by like an hour.Do to the amount of people out there and just to make  our Over- Seas people have to wait and have a hard time .Its to deture them but  i can tell you.. Don't let that stuff get to you any of you.Suck it up an know it for what it is.So my encouragement to you all Over-Seas or not.Don't let these people bog you down,Stand firm an fight for what you believe in.Even if it takes a lot longer than you wanted too !!

22 April 2014

               (  OFF DEATH ROW ) 24/3/14

Today Im starting one of the hardest blogs ever.As my Aunt Pat has passed away....As of 16th.....(3.16.14)
She was the most wonderful woman that ever touched my life.She was so Careing and had a heart of gold.The size of the sun! And it burned with pure *Love* ! I have been a total wreck.Crushed and talk about tears. Man i think i've flooded out my cell twice already.I am on the mend but it hurts so bad.I just went through my Fathers death date in January.Then  i found out my Grandmother passed away in February.(When i found out ) My Long time friend Julia passed away in February also an now here i am going through this with my Aunt Pat.The pain has almost gone numb ! Yet i am a thought away from another good cry !  She was so awesome and she has been there for me as best she could for the whole time i've been on Death Row !  She will be missed so much ! I am so messed up i feel as if i can't think clearly. I know these few words will never express the true joy and Blessing she was to me.So with that i will just say she was the best ! I know she is in a better place with no more pain.
                    Rest in Peace and Love MUM P 

                                    Religions of the world...........

Taoism  :  Shit Happens
Hinduism : This Shit Happened Before
Islam : If Shit Happens Take An Hostage
Buddhism : When Shit Happens Is It Really Shit ?
7th Day Adventists : Shit Happened On Saturday
Protestantism : Shit Won't Happen If I Work Harder
Catholicism : If Shit Happens,I Deserve It
Jehovah's Witness : Knock,Knock "Shit Happens"
Judaism : Why Does Shit Always Happen To Me ?
Hare Krishna : Shit Happens Rama Rama Ding Dong
Atheism : No Shit
T.V.Evangelism : Send More Shit
Rastafarianism : Lets Smoke The Shit
                             Shit Im Laughing so hard ..................
      Greetings and Thank You   ....... Off Death Row.........
              For checking us out in writing here off death Row. My Brother! Here is the mastermind  behind all the good looks and keep of the site for me. I am dealing with lots of things....I just lost my Gradma which i wrote about.But i also just lost a close friend.A pen-pal id'e had for many years! The lose of life is so sudden some times and is very painful to handle.but with Those closest to my heart i am able to pull myselfup just a little quicker than i was able to before.And for that .I am very Thankful! Anna and Billy have helped me in soooo many ways becuze they stay in my life and thay make me press on.When i normally would just stay in bed an let time just pass me by! But knowing they are there for me and pulling for me.Along with my other Friends and Pen-Pals.I am a better person! Oh im still a Bad Ass LOL...But Know im just takeing things a little more into perspective,

16 April 2014

Nan ourGrandma.......          11/2/14
                       Was 87 years old.She lived along life an she was from Italy (Smile).. She was short  an I Loved her very much. I used to mess with her an fuss with he an she would tell me  " Shit Up !! ! " She'd say ....You Shit You Mouse !!!  Cuz she had an accent LOL ! She was a diabetic an she had Damenstia which is Old Timers ! She stopped talking to people a couple of years ago but she would still go an sit next to others that we're talking or watching T.V. !
                                      I will miss her very much butshe was not livng in the best she could so i do believe she is in a better place ! God Bless you Grandma Roseann... May you rest in peace and comfort Forever an Always !
                           Love your Granson !  

15 April 2014

Hey everyone I have a couple of new writings from Will that I got today.... I will be adding them in the comming days so please keep a check out for them also here is the link for Wills facebook page as many keep asking is Will on facebook.....

10 April 2014

Hi all...
Here are a couple of the photos of me with Will on Death Row at Polunsky unit 2014...

Hi all.....I thought id add this video link to the blog so everyone can watch it on youtube please fill free to inbox on facebook if you would like to no more about Will......Thanks for watching the video...
Hi to all.....I have just came home back to the UK from visiting with Big Will I have some photos of us together so please check them out in the pictures label....I also have some writings to add I am a little behind on everything so please check every now and again thanks again for looking hope you enjoy the pictures
Will says if anyone would leave a comment he would love to hear from everyone....Thanks again all...:P

27 February 2014

Hey all here is a update from Will about his friend....Michael Yowell............

                         off death Row By Will Speer.

I was up late last night,so i slept in.i also knew it was our off day - only shower today no Rec.Every Wednesday  is like this on E. Section.I got up at Lunch time around 10am.By now the mail room has come with packages of books,Denials for what ever,Legal letters or what have you.The Pill Tech came through at 7 something cause she woke me up, An gave me my Thyroid Meds i took them an went back to sleep.

Breath deep

breath deep-The gathering gloom
watch lights fade, from every room.
Bed-sitter people, look back and Lament.
Another days useless energy spent.
Impassioned Lovers wrestle as one
Lonely man cries for love and has none
New mother picks up an suckles her son.
Senior citizens wish thay we're young.
Cold hearted sob that rules the night,
Removes the color from our sight
Red is grey and Yellow white
But we decide which is right and which is an
ILLUSION ..............


Through the walls
Beyound the fences
Over the land into the sky
This is where I will fly
As I write your name up so high
You cant help but give a sigh
With that twinkle in your eye!

Poem update above.......

Hey to all this poem above is what I got from Will today in my mail from him there is more to be added so please watch out for more poem updates...:D

20 February 2014

New photo of Will from January 2014....

Hey all this is a picture Will sent me for the update of his blog..... More photos and writings will be uploaded soon....

18 February 2014

New Artwork Added!

New artwork added today! To check out the full page of Will's artwork click here

9 February 2014

Updates From Will Coming Soon!

Hi to All.....
This blog will be updated again soon...Will has sent updates but the mailing from his unit has been slow.....Please keep an eye out for more postings coming soon.....
Thanks again for viewing Wills blog.